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im Yt l b p 1 I f F r n 5 Mio bud her own opinions said llrantbriefly UI h i e rcvoered himselfblI rthelc > isis manner m decidedly closedall further dlecustfon that thero was nothingI r forth young girl but idleiue Hut It wasbroken b > her In a few moments In her old connice and mannerilpluuus t Icoald malnrlltuIUdont trouble yourself tome any further ten braut Ililers of IIIM> ou are druid I may com acrow some of your> our Mildlers 1 urcimUe you I wont eat them1 ali afraid > ou mu t suffer my company alittle longer MUs Faulkner ou account of thoseI yulwukaniDSulJlus returned Urant gravely oulay ILL know that this rdl In which I findjnu take > ou through a con of pickets Ifyou were aline ou would be stoppxlquelioned and falling tu gUu thu password youwould U I > detained enl to the guard houseI and i bo stopped and Sized his eyes on herkeenly as he added achdYou could not dare to search B woman Ishe said indignanhi although her flush f anw a to a silent pallor IYou said jnt now that there should be noMZ In a war like this returned HranU care iIrsly but withut elating his scrulIrizng gazeThen It U I war she nafd quickly jaswhite Inllcal face111 look of rutiuy turned t one of puxzledwonder Hut at the sin moment there wasIb nub of a bayonet In Lho Leo a vok railedhal awl a sotiir itejped Into 111 roadKeli llrant advancesl met tll salute ii tbpckclwllh a few formal unhand Ibeu turnedwan lila fair c lnIsflIoIi a another koidlerclub a rrgtM > nt joined ti groupao > Hts Faulkner new lo this camp took ttewrong lurtitug iud wa uuwittmilr leaving tb eline when I Joined her II tiled his tlu Intently em tr now n orlet far but shi did Dotreturn his iiak You will how e tue slwrti way W quarters Li coptlouxl la di setelnt and shonld she at anytime again loseher way you will again conduct her home butWithout detaining or reporting herHe lifted bis cap remounted hit hone andrmounlrode away a the young girl with a proud Indifferent step moved down the road with thesergeant A mounted ofllcer passed him andAUIflnlsainted It wan one of his own staff From lomefttsua Instinct he knew that lie had witnessedIhn scene and from corn equally strange Intuition he was annoyed by It Hut he continuehis way visiting one or two outposts and returned by a long detour to his quarters As hestepped upon the veranda he MW MlM Faulkner nt the bottom of the garden talking withsomeone icrna the hdKo lly the aid of hisglasses he could recognize the shapely figure ofthe mulatto woman wide It ho had seen beforeHut by Its aid he also discovered that cIte wascarrying a flower exactly like thus 1 one whichMiss Kalkner still held In her hand Had shebeen with iiea Faulkner In the lannnnd If sowhy had she disappeared when he came tipImpelled by something stronger than mere curiosity he walked quickly down the garden butthe evidently bait noticed him for she Rquickly disappeared Not caring tn meet MissFaulkner again he retraced his steps rohlnthnt he would on the first opporlunltv irsnti ially examine and Intrrrngato this new tl Isitor 1For If site were to lake Miss Faulkner placeeven In 1 subordinate capacity this precautionwas rlrnrly within his clilaelllie rctitered his room and seated himself nthis desk before the despatches order unit reports awaiting him lie found hlmflf howex er working half mechanically and recurringto Ids lale Interview with Mist Faulkner In thelane If she had any Inclination lo act the spyor toti her poMlhm hero as a means of communksilne with the enemys llms ho thoughtbo Imd thoroughly frightened her NevcTlheheic I now for the llrst tlnulm was Im I led Inn tclt Ids chiefs opinion of her MIP 0 tint Ionly i ton I clumsy nnd Inexperienced but cite totally lacked the selfrestraint of asp 11cr tiervolts agitation In the lano nas due to somethingmorn disturbing then his more possible Intrusionup m her confidences with tho mulattoOn the contrary It seemed to Im personal tohimself lIe recalled 1 the singular significantof her quest ions Then It 11rular I 7 He recalled her strango allusion to his wife was Itmerely the outcome of his own foolish confession on their first Interview or was It a conceded Ironical taunt Having satlslled himselfthat she was tint likely t Imperil his publicduty In any way he was angry with himself foripcoMlatliig further Hut although he still felttoward her tho same antagonism she had at frtproxikrdbe was conscious that cite was beginning to exercise 1 fascination on himDismissing her at last with an effort he finished hh work and then rose and unlocking acloset took out a small despatch box which heIntended to Intrust a few more Important ordersand memoranda As he opened tt with a key onhis watch chain he was struck with n faint perIfume that seemed to rom from It I perfumethat he remembered Was It Iho smell of the lower that Miss Faulkner carried ir the scent ofthe handkerchief wit Ii nhlrhnhp 1 hnd wiped hischeek or 1 mingling of both I Or wns he undercollie dialollcl spell of IliaC wretched girl andher nltchllke llunir Ho I li sin don the box Iarid suddenly started IIKIU the outer coveringof ndespnteh WAS 1 singular blondred Mrraklie examined It rlnftolv It was fun tuiudrrvstain of tlio lily pollen exactly as I had seen Iton her handkerchiefThere could be no mistake He passed biglinger over the stain he could Mill feel theslipper Impalpable powder of the pollen Iwas not there when hn had closed the hot thatIlntmorning I was Impossible that It should hothere unless the box had been opened In his absence Ho reOxamtneel the contents of the boxThe papers were all there Moro than thatthey were papers of no Importance except tohim personally contained no plans nor key tAn military secret lie had been far to wi IreIn Intrust any to the accidents of this alienhOI The prying Intruder whoever It waslied gained nothing Hut there was tinmtstaklibby i the attempt I And the existence of n wouldbe spy within the purlieus of the house waspurlou Wnequally clear11lie called an ofllccr from the next roomlifts any one been hero since my absence 1No GeneralHas anyone paced through the hall 7Ho boil fully anticipated the answer as tbosubaltern replied Only the woman servantsHe rr ntcr d his room Closing the door heagain carefully examined the box his table thopapers upon It the chair before It and enl theaulLhlncse matting on the floor for any furtherIndication of the pollen It hardly seemed poseemlsitule that any onl could he entered the roomwith the flower In his or her ham without Realtering some if the telltaledust eliowhc It was0 largo a flower to 0 worn on tho breast or Inthehalr Agalnnoonewould hatedared to lingerger there long enough to make an examination of the box nlth an ofllcer In the next roomand servants passing The box had been removed and the examination made elsewhereAn Idea seized him Miss Faulkner was stillabsent the mulatto had apparently gone homelie quickly mounted the staircase but Insteadof entering his room turned suddenly asideenlerlnlinto the wing romi had been reserved Tliofirst door yielded as he turned the knob gentlynnd he entered a room which ho at once recogrOInlied as tin young lads boudoir Hut the iounllusty 1 and draped furnltute had been arranged Ianti uncovered and the njnrtmrnt had everysign of present use Yet although there wasevery evidence of its Inl used by a person ofasfrand refinement ho was pon neethat the carmentf hanging In the open presswere such as were used by negro servants andthat a gaudy handkerchief such an hontemaldstimcub fur turbans was lvintc on tho Pretty silkencoverlet lie did not linger over teUI detailshut cast a rapid glance round the room Thenhis eyes became fixed on n fanciful writing deskwhich stood by the window For In I handsomevase placed on Its level lop and drooping on a I Jxirtfollo below hung a cluster of the strange line rnntaln1slim suIiImtg > none subaltern wit Ii whom sheWHS ln ornmunlcatlon nnd 1 fur nhnm tbo bad Iundertaken thUciiiest The flower 1 their language of correspondence no doubt I explainedalt this > omg girl antmnill agai t theyounger um era his adtorsarles agalint himeel their comtiitaniter lie 1 bud prixiouid wondered why If the were Indeed n at P 1 > the 1 hud noti chosen ruuatiy rtrclouie fromupon some Ilual ci nrcltrWashington the heailqunrler cou the dlxl lontommander whosn xvrets uere more vxiuatile1 llils was 1 nearer lOs lines and her lover In her presentI I abode He had no Idet that hv was making excuses for her ho beliei eel nlnuelf timily JutThe recollection of what she hud said of theIwer ot Ion albeit It bad hurt him cruelly atthe lime was new clearer to him and evenf1seemed to mitigate her offeneo she nould heher hut H dsi > or two longer be could afford towall without Interrogating her alor IHut ai to the real intruder spy r thief thatwas another affair and quickly l settled lie gavean order to the officer 01 the day peremptorilyforbidding the entrance of alien servants orslaves within the precincts of the headquartersAy one thus trespassing was to b brought bfore him Tbe officer looked surprised le evenfancied dl ppolnled This graces of the mulattowoman figure had evidently not been thrownaway upon Ids subalternsAn hour or two late when he was mountinghis horse fora round of Inspection he mountnprlsed to at runl Faulkner accompanied bythe mulatto woman running hurriedly to the Ihouse II had forgotten hll late order until ho Isaw Ihe better halted b I the sentries hut Ihe Iyoung girl camo 1 Ing on r panion Her skirt was ruiuht In one band herstraw hat hal I fallen back In her flight and wascaught only by A ribbon around her swellingthroat her loosened hair lay In a buck rippledloop I Doe shoulder For an Instant htmlthought t list the was teklDg him In Indignationat his order but a tefond l look at ber fare caperyse and parted scarlet lips showed him tlPsit had not even noticed him In the concentration of her purpose t sweet by him Into Hiball he bear the swUbof bersxlrt and rapidfeet on the talr shewn ton What hadhappened cr xt a this another of her moodlapnd I was railed t himself bv the sptaritionof lul corporal standing wlore him with a mulatto woman tb first raptur under disorderMi was tail well formed but umnUlaktblyshowing tall ro type xen In hr small tealures lirr black ya were vxrltedbut unlnUlligtnt her manner dogged hut e it the ohit nacy of bal f conscious tipldlty lirsntfelt not only dltapiwlaud but bad a siuu jr1Impression that ihe wa not the dame womanthat h had first seen Yet there was the tallgraceful figure the dark profile and the tiltbrined head that he had once followed down thepassage by his roomHer Story was as stupidly simple Phe hAIlKnown missy from a chile She had lusttrapsed over to dee her that afternoon theywere walking together when the de > Bor stoppedtier Him had never been stopjied before ovenby patter rollers Her 6o hal sn J tSlanlyhid gilt leaf ttigi see SIlM Joseyand liadiftMid nuiflin about no ordersStore atmotd limn ho cared to confess llrnntbriefly dismissed tlm wIth I xvnrnltig Aj hncantered down the slope the view of the distantpickets rei nll d the window In the wing and heturned In his paddle let look nt I There I wathe largest and inosldomlnnnt window In thatpart Ir the building nnd within It 1 distinctnnd vivid object almost tilling thy opening wasthis vase of ftowert which lie hnd n few hoursngoremoveil restored to Its original positionHe smiled Tie hurried entrance and consternation of Slls rntilkner was noxv fully explained Ho ls hAIl Interrupted tome Impas Isioned rne sno perhaps oven cnuniortnihdnt some nllectlntmto i nclpzxous lejondHIP lines Ahd It fettled the fact that It xrajloeihn whi had donut the signalling Hut xxouldnot this als mAke her cngnlrnnt nf the Inkingof the despatch box 1 Ho reflected howeverHint the room was nppnrcntly ocTU > led by Iho Imulatto woman lie remembered thn calicodresses nnd lurban nn the lied and It xxns possible Hint Sllss Faulkner had only visited U forthe hitirPow 11 slctialllng to her lover Hut thcircumstance did not tend to niako his mindcrumlloro I howotrr presently diverted byaiuinlookpilfnr IncidentAs he rodo thrniiRii the ramp a group of timCPrs congregated I ofnre n Inign mess tout up Ipenred to bo lilgld nniusocl by Iho rniivirsntlonhAir mimnlnuunHtiil halt barnhiuo f asitigttInrlnoklnglndlvlilltal who stncd In the rotitrcInrfklnlllitxxnrcn I I slouch lint I to Ito bnn 1 nf xxblh1m liml Imparted n Hill tarT air by Ilia I addi Ition I nf 1 gold rortl hit Ilio t brim xx p sj III cli t t 11nt the skin In I peculiarly theatrical and highlyartificial fashion A heavy cavalry sMite dependedelalrzpended from a bmnd buckled belt under liltbbick frock coat with Hie addition of two realni ers minus thplr bolsters cluck on elthirstile nf the buckle after tbo elsie nf stage smugclers A pair of long etinmelled leather ridingboots with I the tops turned deeply nxer O If Ithey had once don duty for the roprpsptitMlxeof a ccviii Icr comliletnil his ittrtunretinary 51bhpTho nlmorbed him thatmrnt group were tn 11m fltthey did not perceive the nmmmch of their chiefBtKl bis orderly and Hrant nlth n sign to I lielatltr hnltecl only is ten Pares from this ctutrlflgure Ills speech was a singular Inlnglltii nfhllthllown and exnllcd dill bets nndInetai t pronunciation with occasional lapses of esterndamet Well I aint purtondlnfn ntix Mrattttoitloalnmnrtness anti i didnt grnilimHloat Uist Pointns niic of I these I A 4Micriliiil engineers I dob tdo much tnldti t I recngnlances In force nr Kliellon skirmishltv hit xt 111 it conns donti timiimru Injliilight In I reeknti I kin line my cay horp I aremen nho dont know III nrni contrni tr hoadded darklx nho tnehbo ban I heard 11 ciiJim I dont mention name feiitlcim hitonly I hI Itt her 111 n min 3 otl ullkiion I l nl s tome 11 I I only i know l u lice I 7 nu ttonliotit fcoiilln I II won liint 1 wanting I for IIrnrmllul I as I doI aint gnln to say who I xxn 001 bronk nnyconfidence between gentlemen by sating howmany stars he bail on his shoulder strap hutho was n man who knew xvhnt ho nns cayIng And I ray agin gentlemen thattho curse of the Northern army Is I tinwant of proper sroutln What was It cnu odlrOlerHulls Hun 1 want f remit In Wlmt I its Itrolled up I Polio 7 Wnnt o CloUt II U lint killedlinker at llnlVsHltitT I I 7 Wnm oarotitln I Whitcaused thoidnnghur nttho Wilderness 7 xantowoutin Jljll I I HcoutlnI I Why mil v tho t oilierdn gentlemen I nnsupprone hedto knnxx I hatId take In organio a ronutln fnrre And xxhntdid I in > 1 No llcm I I rnl It nlnt biriu I letiresent one ot tbe 1 irgest anti iKef contrncls ItleI lila oil rut ry ssyc I It aint Ucnii I I belongHI speak to the slncntnf Wnr but bccau oId I mint about 10 I Win trained I I liii his from tint iresorxntlons And the regular isl Point tblahtoned kclentlflt Ilk I hit a thnt t nolglis sohi ux ily on our urn don I tee I I and wont hnxeIt Thenhermati ho nv to meHut here a rar cit laughter Intorrutited I himnnd In I crosstiro of sat uttie Interiogatlcmstint begin llrant saw with relief 1 chance nfesrapo For In the xolco mannr soil tunicall the i hnrnrterlstlc temnernment I of the tstranger be I lund rrrngnlxeel his old pinmatennd the hushind nf ilsy the redoulitnnle 11 in1 linker I There v as no mistaking thud it gloomyaudacity that t mMPrlots slgnillcnnie1 tintiiingmllccnt hlng I Hut I oxen n that I momentClarence Hrints heart bud gone nut with allhula old lit > mult > of foollnv toward his old 10Ion He knew tint a public recognition ofmm then and there would plunge Hooker I Intoconfusion he felt keenly the ironical plauditsnrd laughter of hilt ofllcere over the manifestweakness and all of tho exteamster exramhcr eXIctor anti husband of hlsulrl sweetheart nnd would hae spared him the I knowledge that ho hint nxerheard it lurnlng hastilyto the orderly he bade him bring the utrnnger tohis headquarters mid rode nnnx unpercelxdHe bud heard enough howoxer to account forhis presence there nnd the singular chancethat bad brought them again together Hiwas evidently ono of those large ci h 1 contractor of supplies whom the Ooxtriimcnt Oobliged to employ who visited the camp halfofficially and whom the arm alternately depended upon and abused Hiant hud dealt xxithIds underlings In thn commissariat timid evennow rememtHrpd that he bad heard ho xxascoming but bad overlooked the significance ofhis name Hut how lie aloe to leave his theatrical profession boxxhe had attained n positionwhich commind of connlderableImplied a commII1 ff ctnllhrhle caltabfor many of thn contractors had alreadynr tlamassed large fortunes anti hat hail 1 become Iof susy and Tier ambitions In this rndlc al changer circumstances were things to bo learned InIs own changed conditions he had Mldomthought her It a xvlth a strange feeling ofIrritation and halt responsibility that he nowrecalled his last Interview nltli her and theemotion to which hi had succumbedHe had not long to wait Hehad scarcely regainedgained the quartern at his own prixnto ottli Ktore hi beard the Bell the orderly IIIMHI thexernnda and Iho trailing clank of Hookers Jsatire He did not know bow cxer thai Honkerxxlthout recogniing his mime had reeclxed 111mAle as a personal tribute amid had left hissanaMic ioinuiiiiuns triumphantly with thusair of a man irolng lo a ionlldentlnl Inttrx lew ton hie li bin wellknown mtthit tie ry lonnectlon hadentitled him It nasnltlin bearing of gloom >Importance and liU rlmracloriMlc Milieu alibilong glance thai be entered tIn apartment andtl nlarunlolIIIJhe did not look up until HrXnl hint tluimlled theorderly to ithdraw ali lived the door behindhim And then he recognled his old bol h Icumlnniln lice profcstcti taxorlloof fortune IFor a moment he gasped with HnUinlhmentFor a moment glnomy Incredulity su > piclnndelight pride udmlr ition oxen atlei lionktruggleil for mauler In his Millrn staring eyes atitiot > oii tn Itching mouth 1lr I here wast j latchesHrant handsomer than thanIrI thln ever more nuinrlor thlnexerlnthe uniform authorityever 1111l loftiest of ullrl and 1111111which titled him Ihl youtieerluan thrntign hisfour year of active service nlth tln iureli sfease tOil liearlng of a veteran Hero nas tbehero whose name was already FO famous thatthe mern coincidence of It with that of the modtrlChilian le hud knot would Imxe fctrmkhim as preposterous Yet here lie wa Innand dazzling surrounded b the pomp and c Iriiitnstnnioiir t nar Into whose lirenice he JimHooker I Intel been luhertrd 1 nitb I t tIn formalll > ofchallenge Mlutini mid presented nrinnLuckll y llrnnt I bid takin uihantngu nf hisfirst gratlneil ojni illation to sluike him IO nnrmlyby the Imlid and tlioi utIle iHith hands laid laiiilllurl on his iliouldir foni ami doxvi Ilt1chair Iui I kily for b > this time I Jim Hiwiktr I Ihad with characteristic KlcHjiiiiheiii found limnto taste 11cc nunus of ctivy un euxj themorukn clots In Bpltaof bU kiienksusn peneefnlrcintrnctor bet lieu iilwttv m rel longed for Imilitary dl > II and dlsttiu tun I lie looked atlie man ii Iii I had uiliiexei itn i i hu fi 111 I y IH 1lloxeii 1 bv kiner hid I i tend 1 etc lent nnd hi i ees Idarkiniil riion with ebnra lerl and xunit lieiHgit I I rsuat i hl firs tmiiressloiiHot e Ian mo Mle I ritv nnd 1 to air lii ownlmiKirtnil I e He I I li until hucc elI > 11 in thu Into which lie I hitl i bee n t ins Li olnll I I iOrcrt 1 Iii riic oil hisLMuntli t and lilt IIlllll d thn n it jliiroukh Ids belt I la lie hued teen Irutit do btfailed on aomit if ids nUtoU ilnml > ivcnipi Ine tlmt lalditlur droppe It got Ila swnd I IccI I len hut 1 m attempting to pick II UP andthin leaned hack again txilli hulfilnsnlftituci ite ell toliUold comuanlons mlllng fareI I reIn lit lgan slowly with n a lUhllyiiatronUlnir air that nvd 1 hnxo met sooner ortiler at Washington or nt Grants headquarter for lint kcr Sleacliam t Co go oxer n hereand are about is xxcll knonn t SlajorslienI riul to say nothln be n elit on with a kldelongglance at Hrant shoulder straps of Hrlgnclient anci Its rather Hrange milof courseyour kind of fienh In the service > that youaint hell of me aforeIlul Im tery S cry glad t lieitr ot you mmJim tl Hrant nulling and from your mnHIM which I am nlu delighted tn mid bo Iadded mUchlevoutlr are Mill as frankl communleath eon that topic as of old Hut lion Igratulute you old fellow on fur good fortuneWhen did Jim leave thou Stag 7Sir Hooker frowned slightly I peter astrreally on the stage you know ha said wavinghit band with a iiined negligence only wenton to pleas my wife Mr Honker wouldnt actwith vulnar professionals dont YOU see Inat really manager most of the time and leaseof the theatre Went East whelm the war brokejut to offer my sword and knowledge of Injunflghlln lo Incle Sam Drifted into a big porkcontract at St Ijault wlUi Fremont Keen at Itever tine Offend a iunUloii In this reglarservice lott o I lime llvfuiwdWbyutked Hrant demurelyToti much Wttl Point tttrcb around to suitspies me returned Hooker dark I And too many11 pies ebd html alulrarledly with amomentary reuilnlteener of MM FaulknerallnM Yes spies roiitlnue l Hooker altim doggedmysterr One half of Washington ls I watchingtother half and from the 1reMcntt wife do wumost of lIce women It I asteshth I lilile n e Hi I 1 uiiltd a plolaid mor geniiAid luiw Is 1 Mrs HookerSir Ituikrr flie1 bis rye on the ceiling roseI > r liuled to lie 4 nut nf thus window thentaking Lts teat agtlo by the title as if frontingau Imaginary aiidlmeeaud lulUul tUWii at hititt Sgauntlets after the usual theatrical Indicationater tetrc IDdlctonof perfect unnRfroicI said IThere aInt anyGood heavens said llrant with genuineemotion I beg your pardon really ISirs Hooker and me AlI divorced contlniifd II on Her slightly changing his attitudeMltudehncueanlnif heavily on hit 1 satire with his eyesttlll on hl unrtersund lightly tossing his gauntlet asideIncompatlbtlltv of temllrllnd we pettedliet ho tittered a low bitter fpornfnl laughwhich hownxor produced thou distinct Impression In Urantft mini thnt tip to that moment helor had whatever never hnd the slightest feeling In Ihe matYou seemed t be on such good term witheach other murmurid llrnnt xiguelyHeemecll All Hooker bitterly glancingsnrdonlrnlly nt nn Ideal second row In the pitbefore him yes seemed I There were otherdifferences oclal and pollllcnl You understand that you Imva sUI rld to He reachedout his hand and pressed Hrnnts In heavyVfftislveriess Hut he contlntiMl haughtilytightly toslni hH gHve atriln wo nre nlsnmen of the norldwo let tlmt pael l And Itxx as poisllilo Hint hn found thin strain nf hisresent ntlllttda too great for ha changed to aneasier nnsltlonHut poll Urnnl curlmHi I nlvnvsIhotitfht that Mrs lIook r Intensely Unionanti Northern IaIUIItr on said 1 hooker In his natural vole eHUM cm remember the Incident of tIn tinspersisted llrnnlJr Sirs Hooker was always nn actress MillHooker slcnlflcnntly Hut ho ndded cheerfully Sirs Hooker Isnmv I the wIfe of SenatorIlornpoliiter one of the wealthiest and mostpowerful Iletmbllcnns In Wnshlngton carriesthe pntrontigo of the whole Wist In liHxcsto IIll itchYet If I f al lic Ic l not n lt ptiblrnti vthy didshe liiinn Ilrint IFor I put two rcptilod 1 I hooker dtrxlv I I iHut lie titlilti acnlli with renter iheerfulness sho bglnnsM lot I ho xery itlteof Washington snrlijt t fines to nil tlio fnrelcn nniliassndorA hails and Is n lttarr lit the White rtottiHer picture Is In I the firstclass llui > trntedlRtwrsIhe Vlngulnr hut unmlslnknhlo lithe of theman In the Importance of the wife from whomhe was cllxoroed I and for whom ho did lotcare would have offended Hrnnts delicacyor at least have excited lilt ridicule but tort reason that ho sins moo deeply slung byHookers allusion to his on n xx He imu his degrading similitude their two condition I HutIan diatnis II tIn former ns part of Hookers InlIlIlhl anti still bit > Ish oxtrnxngnnco anti thehitter ns purl of Ids oitinll rhirniterl 1ftuhilItI bit Ierhnps hu xxasroti xxlthstmidlng this Inpso of xenrs nnd tho tondotnirii nf Jli11 lou and fccrgei ii I neat Hint Iho IhOIV1 lit tie delicacy frum the hands oftisxn littsbnnclNexertheloss he dreaded to hear him penkagnln of her And thu fear was realized In nqne lnlllioes I hl know > nu nro herou Vhoi 1 rnld hIram I curthYour x s lIe Tlmt Is I tcckon shcn your wifetill ell 1I do not know host shin Knoxvs returnedHrnM iiiletl ly Ho I I had regained hl Is eel froniposiirosusy Mrs enntor Hnriipcilnlor thnl I sho soemrd to feel a certain cllgnltv In Ills lainxilfc > s new title I allow od I lint t Mmd gone brnaiIitt is uerut mission from tIme Southern Confederuoy to them I eros ttul heads oxer there I Showits good nt ropln men itjou know Anyhow Stuy afore she was Sirs Hornpnlnterwts dead set on I1l1dlll out where sIte was1 t tower could Pho seemed to drop out oftight a year ago Some said one thing anti tomefnld another Hut xott cnn bet yottr bottomdollar Hint I Sirs senator 1 lor lip dntor I whoktioxvs how to pull nil tho wire In Washingtonwill know If nny one driedHut It Mrs Hornpolnlor really disaffectedanti a Niuthern ryninathlrrr 7 cc lit Brent nrIs It only cn rice or fashion > Wldlo npenklmtbo hall risen with a hnlfnlwtriiPt fnccnnd hadcne lo t c the window I lucre he stood In I n loiterI ii ignttituilo Iresentlv I beopenei tho windownnd it tiled outside Hooker I xxondcTlnglv folInwoil him 1 Ono nr two ntMreM hail nlrendvChtItlidi out of their rooms and xxorostandingupon the I xcrnndn unother had halted In I c the Ipath Then ono citilckly re Ccii mitten rid xxith hicnn I I and r ii ord In I his Io aridnnd ran lightly townnl the guard house A slightrrnrkllng noise seemed tocome from beond thegnrilen xxnllWlmts un 7 said Hooker with staring eyesPlrket firingThis crackling suddenly became a long rsttleHrant reditcred the room and picked up hiscap Youll excuse mo for n few momentsA hollow found shook tho houseWlialH that I gasped HookerCannonTo tie Oinf iiiirrfmmi JANITOR rx vnr ionjrlip Must fir Able lo Support Ills Familyand Pise Mnneyon Little or Nothlnjt a YearThe efspntlaldlfference between an apartmenthouso and a tenement In New York city Is I thepresence In Iho former of a Janllnr Other polnuof dIfference are of course recognized by realcstnto dealers builders and occupants but thepresence or absence of a Janitor Is I the determining distinction between the two An apartmenthouto Janitor In New York city Is I a politician ona small scale but In n large area for his sourcesof revenue are for the most part contingent andconjectural fees gratuities speculations shiftsnUll salvage In the very large and Importantapartment houses the Janitor Is I really the englne er and ho gets an ndoquatu salary us engineer In Kiinu apartment bou os too tbe Janitoracts ai agent for renting premises and tho rOiltin duties are performed by a colored man whoIs really a porter lIe also receives salaryThe true Ncxv York Janitor belongs in anapartment house which Is I above the level ot atenement and yet blow the itnndnrd of the firstclass his 1 H I tile province anti tho duly whichdcvnlxes uioi htm Is I to support hlmstlf andfamll Janitors usually men of fauiIIy antito put tome money aside for a raltty day If anysalary at all tspnld I It U nominal and Insulllclontfor the maintenance of the Janitor Lsunlly frsqunrersare glxen In leturn lor the services ofthe Janitor somvlliuot free cciii and wood euro jatdnl tint that Is an unimportant detail Tilejanitor Imxlnir a residence fnrhlnitolf and fainily xxlthout cost must kecuro from tho tenantsen the hointe that money requtrid for the mainlonnnieof I bis I family dothlng and other expenkei his I he d 1rA in a xarlely of wa > sIn all wollrcguluted flats no moving of articles alii he donewhlc will cause damngo to I theballs or tloom No tuindle or packagen can liedellxored except upon the dumb alter As thektrlct enforcement of these rules would entailat times rolls derable hardship upoi the tenant It hiss 1011I to bo ten unwritten law of NewYork tints that the aid of the Janitor must harirurrd In sueli cases and that lie mutt be trnid 1b this tenant for Ida cooperation So soon asan arrangement Is made with the janitor it Isdiscoxired I thnt tnlhlng goes nmlss and lbstenanti coming to realize this pay the Janitoreach xveek n Hated amount fnr helplngaboutrhl I Ii l one of tho perquisites of the janitorwhich lie moL Jinlniitl guardsTho main door of a tenement Is usually openIn llat bouses the main door usually closed IIn um controlled by means of this door openeris hue It I 1 snirkoil either by a wire or by nil electric appliance The door openers get out of ortier very muIly tend require cnnMnnt reimlriilia I removal of names from letter tuxes thework if HUM hlexotis Mnsll boysi entails toomuch aniioiinie and In both enivrgeiirlesriicure I bud lo tho Janitor Ile I I may beprompt lu mn lu I dilator > about making theee air I An unfailing method of stimulatinghi aincrit lb 1 for a tenant to let him SomeJuiiiorn 11111 Hermans I have nufllcientur ltiC i abillt > to denlgti this i ardboard lettering Inf muslins fo the boxes and u now tenant I a vpocttd I to util hit I tic Jan itors nktll I In I hIs respectItnlL him > or uO ieiiu fur bin kervleesAcioihur poor jIIIII of thus Janitor In a flat It Ities t kee Kxer tenant In a Now York apartliint muse needs from three to ten keys and tolh Jiinltor Is aiipealcil to He charges usuallylweiitlhu cents for a ke > and at these arefrequently lent and the 1m I ks are sometimeshnmifil tbe Item of keys Is iulto an Importantone to ho I janitor Some Janitor are Inckimlthtby trade and It it I nollerablo tat In flat Inwide h former IIH ksiiilth rule this Item Is muchmore ecrliut than eUewhereThus rule of tire making which prexallt In largenfnip buildings and I it very hut rlnt sourceof rove line to Jsmtors duos not to t the same extent exIst In I hula II big ones there Unlearn Iheat In all othir flats the tenanln ana rulemaku their nxxn tires nlthout ltanco fromtto Janll ir Hut hotupervWii III receipt thefoal n Id it i ktorage In the bIll in t lie llIrIpeir 11Im devolves usual tIcs work of boht IIng roal fmm the cellar to the several floorlie IH this general cimtndlan nf tIn black dillmoncU and the I kindling I wood aid UIUI hitgood tahiti the tenant mutt rei > for unitetloii ofthe fuel nhlili be hues pun often a tenant will run tliort of loaleither through negUct or Iimbillt to buyIn large quantity Appeal U I then matteto the Janitor who Is I popular ruppikocl to havea good working supply of rid and wood of hitown somewhere He furmihes In small quanlltie the coal or wood desired l and lakes paymenttocshu for HIP name There 1 a tradition tn mostNvwYork flats erroneous rhap lhatlbioaland wood thut funiKhrd by tbe janitor doci notbelong to him but Is taken from the supplies ofthe other tenants However that may IM lhHal Janitor Is never reluctant to furnish toil andwood in small quantities and what Is perhapsmore surprUIng It alwuie able to do this nomatter bow great or bow sudden tb demand1 lilt Item generally regarded at an Importantone add considerable to thus monthly revenueof the Janitor e euelahI In winterNew York Janitors bare organliatlon formutual protection Tb business U I on whichkeruik to reuuir th largest amount of ladhidunlity each Janitor being w to pak alaw Unto himself and adapting hi uietlioclt totile ilrcuu uncea and conditions nf the lUtwher tue work Probably 40 percent of haJiultora in New York ar tIrmisns l ir hermanAmerican fliers ar many Irish and quit anurnUr of bvrdlsh laiillort The butlUMt U Iliow tuDcrlnv uucb from cooipctlliou and Ihearnings of Kw York janitors are euutUutlydevreutiuiiIA TOUSSAINTA Story from the Memoirs of aMinister of FrancenrsrAxrni r trtrr4YCopvritM mi by Stanltv J WtvmanToward the autumn 1001 when the Affairof M tie lllron which was so coon to fill themouths of the vulgar was already much In theminds nf those whom the King honored withMs confidence I was one day leaving the hull atthe Arsenal after giving audience to such aiwished to see me when Malguan came aftermennd detained met reporting that a gentleman who tiad attended early but had latergone Into the garden wn dtlll In nailingWhile Slalgnan was still upenMne the strangerhlmerlf camo up with some thow of haste butnone of embarrassment and In answer to injrsalutation and Inquiry what I could do for himhanded me a letter Ho had tho air of a mannot twenty his dress was a trifle ru tlc but hisstrong and handsome figure set oft a taco thatwould have been pleasing but for a somethingfierce In hut aspect of lib eyes Assured that Iillil not know him t broke tInt seal of his letterami found that It win rUIn my cild flamn MineIP Mrny who ns Mile tie tit Stcsmln had comeso tioir In lining my wifeThe toting min prnxcd to bo her brotherwhom tlio commended to my good offices theImpoverishment nt tho family bring 10 greatthat she could compass no more regular methodof Introducing him to the world though thehouse of Si McMnln Is truly respectable andlike my own allied to several of the first consequence Mme de Dray recalled our oldtendresso to my mind and conjured mo tomovingly by Itind by the regard which herfamily had always entertained for muthat Icould not dismiss the application with the hundred othtrs of like tenor that at that time enmeto me with each ear That 1 might do nothingIn the dark however I Invited the nung fellowto walk nlth mo In tliu garden all ii lvinieven bcfrie he spoke from the aim nre nf timidII > In his manner that ho was some thing out oftho common So you hat cone to 1arls tomake j our fortunu I ndYo sir he ansxx creel0 And what nrc tlni tools with which you propose to do It 7 t continued bclncitii Jest andearnestThat letter bIn he answered simply andfalling that two horses tao suits of clothesand 00 crow ruYou think that thoso will sufco 1 I saidlaughingWith this sir he answered touching hissword and n good ciiuragc1 could not but stand amazed at his coolnessfor he spoke to Ins simply ni to a brother andlooked about him nlth ax much or as little curiosity aid Gulee or Slontpcnslcr It was evidentthat he thought a St Mesraln equal to any manunder the King and that of all lheStSIesmlnsho did not value himself leastWell I said after considering him I donot think that I ran helo you much Immediately 1 should be glad to know however whatplans jou luave formed for joiirsilfFrankly sIr he suld I thought of this as IIranlied and I decIded that fortune can bewon by three thingsby gold by steel and bylove Tho first 1 have not and for this lust I haven better use Only the second Is left I ball beCrlllonI looked at him In astonishment fur the assurance of his manner exceeded that of hiswords Hut I did not betray thus feeling Crlllon was ins In a million I said drib >So am I he answeredI confess that tho audacity of this replysilenced me I reflected that the young manwho brought up In the depths of the countryand without experience training or fashioncould so speak In the face of 1nrls was to far outof the common that I hesitated to dash his hopesIn the contemptuous way which seemed mostnatural I was content to remind him thatCrlllon had lived In times of continual warwhercaH now we were at peace and bidding himcome to me In a week I hinted that In Purls hiscrowns would find more frequent opportunitiesof leaving his pockets than his sword Its sheathHe parted from mn with this seemingly perfectly satisfied with his reception and marchedan ay with the port of a man who exacted adventures at every corner and was prepared tomake the most of them Apparently he did nottake my hint greatly to heart however forwhen I met him within the week he was fashionably dressed his hair In the mode and lihcompany us noble as himself I made him asign to stop and he came to speak to meHow many crowns are left 7 1 aid JocularlyFifty he answered nlth uerfect readinessWhat I said pointing to his equipmentwith something of the Indignation I felt hasthis cost the balance VNn be answered On the contrary I hatepaid three months rent In advance amid amonths board nt batons I hate ruldeil twosuits to my nardrobe and 1 hare lost 50 crownson tho diceYou promise well 1 I saidHe shrugged his shoulders quite In the lashlonabla manner Always courage he Baldand went on smilingOne exeulmc after leaving the Kings closetIhappcmd topass through the east gabber > attto Louvre nhlch served at that time as theouter antectiambcr and was the common resort as well of all those Idlers who with somepretiwslons to fashion lacked thn entrees as ofmany who with greater claims preferred to huent their paw My passage for a moment stilledthe bushel which prevailed Hut I hud no soonerreached the farther door than the noise brokeout again and tills with ruddeu a fury the tumult bring augmented by the crashing fall of atable ascnUMil me at the last moment to standand turn A dozen voices > crying simultaneouslyHave a rare nnd Not litre not here aidall looking Hit mmo nu > I was able todetectthe three principals In the fracas They wereno other tnan Mdo h ht Slctuiln Ilarradai uIon fellow Hill rememlwrttl who was alreadywhat ftalntonge had pniphiMled that the formernoulit becomemid > ouug bt Uerumln thisduet lOll of dl do Clan1 rather gueaeed than heard the cause of thequarrel aId that St cIemtntrm putting into nnnltwhat man had known tnrenrs anti mime mudetheir advantage of had accused llarradai ofcheating Tin batters fury was of course proirfirtlonid to his guilt an Instant chnllenriwhile 1 looked was bis natural answer Hit ahe n as a consummate ordsman and had longearned his living as much by fear an by intuitshould have been enough to stay the greedieststomarh but St Metmln was not contenttreating this knave the word once passed as fomuch dirt ha transferred his attack to bt tiermain and called on him to return the money hehad won by betting on llarradasbt Uennaln a young spark as proud and headstrong as ht Mcsmln bliiikclf and possessed h offriends equal to his expectations lung baik ahaughty refusal He hail advantage In sutlou and popularity and by far thus larger numher of those present sided with him I lingereda moment In curiosity looking to see the accuser with all his boldness guys way before thealmost unanimous expression of disapprovalHut my former Judgment of him had Leu connclly formed co far from being Lrow U at n ei > rdeprtsted by his poMtlon he repeated the dcmand tutu a stubborn i > er > l > tenc > but mari tiltculy l reminded meof Iniibomi amid dtitutihutieulto relttrate It until all except M Oermaln himsilt were silent ou must return mymunty he kept on salng nionotuiiouslyYou must return my money lliU mancluatetl and you won my money You mu tlily nr tightWith a dead man HU German repliedgibing at himNo with melUrradas will spit TOU the other scoffedOrder your coHtn ana do not trouble me1 shall trouble ran If you did not know hecheated pay and If ion did know tight1 koow tit Ucrmalo rtlorted fiercelyYou iua knew that his cheated II mean what I ugh St Mesrnla returnedYoulmve won my money You must returnIt If son will not retuti It you must fightI should care beard won but at that momenttbemalndonroixucd twoor ttirr gentlemen w bo Ltd been with the King came out Notwishing to U seen watcbluc the brass L I 1 movedaway and descended the stains and Yareoneovrruklcg roe a moment later and eoUrtug OBthe lllron affair of which 1 bad lust bun dUcUMlng tie latest development with the KingI forgot bt llomlu fur the time and only recalled blot cut mornlug wbeu balntouge beingauiuiuuctd came into my ruuu In a stats of greateiclUuieut and almut will his drst sentencebrought out his manicilsrrsda ha nut kUIei l bUn titan I sldrepnwbmg U > alf fur lay forgtf UL MNo IU HtrradMt blnUiflg answeredNj > l eicl im JYePL i4 I Ull TOUXI U I Maxqulhe In a devil of a fellow a devil of a fellow Hefought I am told just like Crlllon rushed Inon that rascal l and fairly beat down his guardand had him pinned to the ground before heknew that they had crossed swords 1Well I ssld there la one scoundrel thelew That Is allAh but that M not alit my rlsltor repliedInure seriously It should be but It Is not andIt Is for that reason 1 am come to you Youknow 1st hemmaIn 7I know that his father anti yon are wellthnt TOU take opposIte side I pnlil mulllniThat li pretty well known ho answenilcoitily Any way this hail Is tn light St tiermain tornorrowt and now 1 hear that 31 t ileClan btdirmalns father M shutting himup Getting nlettre do cachet or mi > thingelse you please and awnj with himWhat St lermalnr I saidNol M dn Halntonge answered prolongingthe sound to the utmost St MecminlOh said I I seei Yes the MarquH rrtnrled rtll hly but tdont t dont tee And 1 beg to remind you Mile Itnuiiy that this lid Is my wlC I secondcousin through her stepfather and that I lmllrr i > nt any Ititerferenre with him 1 lmc piiitenough and ilotiu rmmtih In I thu I Kltiusiertlin Ito have my wiShuet rctctil Itt a mail matterstuck as this and I shill reciarul nity sostnily exerchard towanl my klnnnmn ninillrift iilTrmttnmyself Whereat M l do I htii who will doubtless be here In a few minutes tnHut stop I mill lot trtt ptltit him Iheard you slicaklni itt i > thIs jnuim fellow theother clay oti did not till me thin that ho WMylitir klnsmnnNicrthelei hol I nuT is Ikacronil cousinho answered with lentAnd you wMi him toHe let alone lie replied Interrupting I mo Inlilt t ti nit more Ilnrdih I thin I ipprned I tuiul li mhim to be let thin ft lie u III I I I light I t llernntn Isittl kill or Im klllnl Is Dint tic h tugs ulTiilrthnt I he need Interferol1 1 iik fur tm ltd rfirencc M t tie iialtittcutzu eruuthuiutet lilltiinnilfor fair pint aliui no tutsicr And fn Aida Iliin Iwho It u Hepubllcan ill lienrt niut n HiroiiHIand hunt never dour ulithliig I but thuart I thfKing for him to come mm and rough Itmakm ma sickY Cs I mid dryly 1 I seu1You underMai lci tIlt 7C Ye I ald I think cii Very well he replied haughtily he hadgradually wrought hlumlf Intua tiai loiu boguiHl enoimli to bear in reifiiett In mind then Iand my services also I nk no mnri AI doHotiy than It duo to mn and to tho KingshonorAnd with that antI scaritl an rxprei > Ktiiti ofrUlllty I he left HIP Sumo ulcic > notidi ti i I knowthat listi rig In I tli I edict nf lUiils nhlrh Mrbaitoduelling mid mndp It n capital olFi In v uti anpit en tnconxlncp t uxen ids iirniMihic I did nottide tills winpili hun isa nfml the I rdii is asnot published until inn following June whenpartly I Inciiii I equuticnof iln I I is iilljlr nnd nt inInolntK I c the Kim h I it put It I t f rtiNilnliiliK jcitl Iii M rcily hnp rice riti thngntr bcfon hilt pridlitloli nns fulllllcil llliinuiny arrIved hot foot nnd outnil tn mild sithu mien sn much Inwrrrt b imxliM nnd irollilotluil I hardly knew him for the mini nho had ehundred tlmrs r liiitTrd mi and ulioni hue IKlnpK niTers had founil mti lstviith I olidiiniti 1All I I I lind ever klestuc ii st t M dr I Ian hfluhti milliln nroMMt humlllt nnd lrftigth pfiil so that 1 felt pit fur him proportionil tintonly tohlingennd neteit but ttl the duethucfhis fall alntiuiKP had rightly nntlclpatid hitsrequest thus find IIP said nithii irises ut his oldpride that he had tuttle to thu King In rh nyears his ton huts mil son and only childtintsingle heir of hl I a niuii Iln I Mnppid them I andlooked at me his eyes brlcht t til I lIla tremblingand mo Ing nlthout sound his hands fumblingon his kneeHut 1 said you son wishes to light M deClan 7He noddedAnd ou cannot hinder him VHe shrugittd hisibouliler grimly Nohesaid ho Is a St Germainell that Is Jim my ease I answeredou MP this mint follow ht Mcsmln wasrntnniendtd to me nnd is l In I a niunner of myliouseluilil and that h a fitel olijietlun I cannot ixiiMMy net nifaln him In tlio iniinni r JIMIproposu tti muut set > thuitt anti tom tmt nlsfushe rc pcrM them lest than > our siiu ourui the Chati rose trembling a llttli I on hlslrgand glaring at me out of liU tlirco old fiVet > well he said It Is M mm h MS I rxpected Times tIre cbnngnl and faiths slumthe King of Nntarrn slept tinder thin fame bushwith Antoine St iirm ilnoa thin night btfuroCabors I wish you goixl day M li > MiiiiilnI need not say that my smpithles woro nlth Ihim nnd thnt 1 nnuld lull us liii ltil bun i If I Iinuld but In ncconlnnoo nlth thn muuitc I tim ts liltliI have el rw hen Ixnl lined t Inc In wn > plmiianycon Idiratlonl lirunctlucg Kings sets ice Is mliifit toiondiict It I did not eu Iii tui to Ilinnrt IMdp nlntongc In a matter te iuall i And I It Iend j Itch I hioti tics inaction fnr Hit dtipl triklm II plnib that exeiilng resulted In nothing woiToi t hun n serious but not clnngernus wound which II St Slesmln fighting with tInt Mimu fur us Ini thp I morning Inflicted I nn bis npjmnention tomi sstc ka tilt ir this I I naw Ilitlctof I I tho I5ounc firebrand though from timeto tlmn t boattended I my ret options and mxariiil y lilnxedtome with a modestv 5 lush proxed lint t hoplnced some bounds to his presumption Iliennl moron IT tint SI de Nilntoiigc Inncknowledgmcnt of lie triumph t our the btci loriiiilns w hlrh bo lout afforded him bail tnke nhim up anil that t the coniiiiilon tietnevn thnfamilies being publicly uxowecl the tno weremuch togetherJudge of my surprise therefore when oneday a llllle before l lirlMinns Sf dnSiilntongosought me nt the ArKennl during t hut prcjaritlon of thuds plan and interludiH which uiriheld there that yteur and drawing mu nsldeiInto the garden hocks Into a tot iuttx tirndeagainst tin ouncfcllonHut I 1 cnlcl In I Immense itMonlihmivhut Is thin I I thought that hiWHS u oungman quite to x lurmiim ouilHn In mud be ananerciMndi I aldYou mad 1 he repented striking thogrnundviolently with his cutup tnrk mad SI theKenny He I does not know hlm clf I Whnt doou thinkbut It Is Ineiinreixiiblv Ho ropowHto marry my clnughtor This pennilisi I ailventurer lcimuris Mile thu salnlongu bt tirotusingto herPheugh I said ThntIs 1 seriousHo he I dont think I shall ever get surerIt lie answeredHe has of course sea Mademoiselle 7M de Nilntonge noddedAt > oiir house1 d millions tOf cniirioi ho rc > Iieil with it snap it reThen 1 um afraid it I ierlou 1 caiiHo stared al me and for an Imtint I tiintigbthe WJXK going lo quarrel xxith me but ti henskedme nhyI was not sorry to hats this opportunity of ntonce reKlng his unrn his arrogance Ilecaute 1 faid UiN joiuicman npniarn to mo to vcr mueli out of the common Hitherto I I wlntoxi r ho has mid be woulddo he list ilono You rememtier trlllon 7 Wi II i I1 trace a likeness ht Slesmln hints utuuh of hutstemper and haxnga cloti iroil liii toll If ouwll itake my advice ou will pmcced title tiutiuitM de Salntonge rucuIvIn nit ucrisuser so littleto Ills mind was almost I burting with rigeProceed xxlib caution ho cried I 1 on talkns If the thing coimlit bo entcrtaiiuil or ns if 1hadicaiite to loir t lee coxomb1 On tin iontrary I Intend I to tine h him n hess itt A IIMIo Iconfinement nlll cool Ms temper nn mutgive nue a letter my friend and no will lap 1 I ihim In the t btsl mIst torn month or twoI Iiipcussl hilt I said flrmly yulte litilsisti Ihip SI le SlnrqulsM t do Salntnnirit bnked I I nt me frowning IHowl ice sail arrogintl Iliixc tuty iruiearned no bettr utica dl than that tYou forget 1 replied le I meremind iu tthat less tbiin a montli ago you a kel me not tc iInterfere i with St hit sieltc and lit jimr ln > lnni oI refuted lo ncceelo tuM l Jo llettue reiiuest ilmtI would inritliiu him You were thin nil foinnnliilerfiriiiies Sldn Salulnn > o and I innnot blow hoi and old lie nidi > In be tlilnwilliyou I continued exen If tint wire not ton I ieate this oung fellow Is In n tti um t r miji r m >protection nhlcli r ndcr > u un i > ibe form Ito nioxc Ual mist him If siuu like Itowiv r I Inlll speak to himfcpeak to hlml I M i ile i balntnligi rriid II I Iswas breathless nlth rage He could KI > domore It ma be Imagine bow unpulatublc imiyansner nan to himHut I is its uitut ill isioiiel l dilute t lit Itresit fluidtlnn and ill trIll lien beyond n errtHln poll I t ninfrrllng no miuith > nth him In I a illllUut >hitch he had brought upon hlntxelf ly I hukpilefuliiis I I annwurrd lifm roundl Iete I said I will sheuk to I him If joiiplease Hut Dot otherwise I call iiiiiirn ou Ishould not do It fur MTJOIIDHut t M do haintoiieo fired I eg himulf thus t re tutu ITii in n quarter whui discretion I tauno greater luau bin 1 mu l let t lakin t i iuof tthem A s honover I had tImer > anti lure nuixirtant atfalrs uixni nit hunts and it hut i trr Itxvn m iuraI lee to huioor built b I thraUh >placing notelf ona letl with llem I a its tent to Irate his puiiMimei to M Moiuin a >kuretl that i Inhlm I M I us xulntmiki would lind curt Ioiiponent more courageous and nt leos tiihUrnthan hlmcrlf IDoubllrrs with a man of hess uitggoi rlMni Iterorone more amenable to r > a sc t hut Murquls would lease knonuhowto I dial I but tinsuccess which nil hltherl rewind J M YuhsminM course of action bad i ohtlrmtd the ounjman In hi indIct that err tiling ua to It I nunby courage v that thus mon lb MxrqiiU Muttered and lireutene l the in ire I raitrlut i iiieisuitor > h cellos prrtuce was to IM txp iid t Meniaiappeared drrurtl iiitbe txireini ui tl i fa bl jand wearing en her a fa rinaile of her or a glove wlikh le esanil l thai alt hal I giteiihim Thrust ins luniMlf in litr roai onmrocculon ho elltriut hit lsstiimi > by tie ino textravagant looks amid gestures and prom Infrom the shafts of ridicule alike I > lila illettewm and hi pronrst did a bundrrd thingstbat rendered her ronepUuoui ami locust lcai e Icovered unother than Idnuelf tu IOu liuitiugulsbable laughter IIn lhrkerlrruiu > tanrr > M de Minlonne brgan itu find tbat tie dart a lilt ii gutrnnl IT l uuoDtnls armor acre uuklng bun Hieir butsaid that he who bad > aiue t biiuMif all tubs heon a stately dlgull and a pride iuot xpauUhwas rapidly Ixcoiulng thee laughIng turk of thecourt Ills rau way I better Imagined thandescribed and doubtless bit daughter dH notunscathed Hut the ordinary contemptuousletuii1 witch would lusts scm another cutteraabout hM lnslnet was of no avail here he hadminion while St Mesmins recklessness retuderedthe boldest unwilling to engage him Halntongefound Mm cf therefore at his witsend andIn this emergency bethought him again of alatre tie ttithrt Hut the King proved as obdurate114 hubs llnlster partly In accorJance with apromise hn hnd made m about a year beforethat IIP would hot commonly grant what I harttlf tiled nnd partly beranso lllronit affair hadnow rearlipd n stage In which yalntonges aidnut tin longer nf Importancebus 1 repulsed the Marqul madn tip hU mindto arty hult daughter Into the rountry but HUMc mlti meeting this nlth the conflilent assertion that ha would nbdurl lien ttithihn a neckn herr er slip was confined Salntonge desperatens a baited bull and trembling with rage forhits threat was uttered at Clncts and wa mepeated ever n hero a vowed iually publIclythat since the King would gUn him nnsatlsfaolion ho would take the law Into his own bandhitch rcrtu thIs Impudent braggart as Uulserred St Me grin As At le Marquis maintallied a considerable household Including somewho mild not t stick nt a trifle It wan thoughthIkeR enough ho would carry out Ids threatIsItsuicully as thin provocation seenud to many toJiiFtlf > It St Mevmtn was witrnoel thereforebut hilt reckless rlunmnctsr was mi well knownthnt ndcU nero gltcn thnt ho would beraughttrltiplng s mm night and for the last timeAt hilt juncture however on unexpected allyand one hnso nppearnnce Increased SnlntonneeInumi tip alt Intolerablo extent took up St iieemliig ijiinrrel Dili was young Hi lerinaliinhn iiullllng hula chiamuiiin wmts to be ceeme everyn here on his antagonists nrm 1 Ihic old fond betweeti the Saint llermnlns nnd Salnlonges aggrill at iui lie now nnd tutors I belt one brawl tookpliiro In I the nit I s bctniin tlio Inn partIes htin I I uttnic Itt iiitr nio id without t four I armed letMint In iilmed I olhnr nt hudli > pci iil and iT lieuoi r lie wiui I linliiiiill I > proclaimed whit hpnouldilo irn I hair of M Mi mills held were Injuredlhult uuetiutti 1 to place nn tlTectual check on Mdo iuiillttdiuigis purpoo nnd my aurprlso wnsgnat w hen about n week later t Iii > ounger StKirmnln bitrt In upon mi olio mnriilng with hisfiup Itillnmid nlth anger and his ilress In dleirtb nnd prrHlnlmrd I mforn 1 could rise orspMik Hint St Me mln had been murderedHow 7 1 said Koinewhat startled Andn hiu n 2lly M do Snlntongol Tsst nlghtl Im andwend furiously Hut twill I hove justice Iwill iiusse justice M rte Itonny or thus KIng1 checkevl him as Mi rnly as my Biirtirlnt Mouldlet miii jitul when 1 had n little abai > he trblrli was tint eats full tuts lpnm > r vltvl In chilihucrntisui l nlth Alfsmlns1 learned the particulars About III I iVlock on tbo previousnight hi Memnlii l lind melted a mile and Insuite of tin tciuuiuisi nature If his pcrtants lundIP i tin out nloiii Hi had nut returned nor beenno n si luce a tech his frlind feared the wor tIit on nliHt grounds 7 1 said astonished tofind thnt t h hunt isitt allhut M lornmln cried flaring up againDn I Mm nfk on us butt grttt till a 7 When Si d tSnliiloiigi bus told a hiindiiil what he would doto him Vhiiut his would dodo I say 7 Whatbe bus doneIoob I mid It Is some assignation andhit ritlue Is lute in returningAn u lgiutlnn les Mtlormaln rrtorledtu but HUP from nhlcli ho will not returnUell If hadoesnot go to tIme hieinhlcr situduet I nnsuLTed tsutl lug him oil Ho I I dnuil hear 7 I nm busy I continued Do outhink that I I smut keeper of nllthi I t otitig stmrkathat In thn moon under the citizens windowsHioff sirIlo is Cut tieluctuntly l muttering vengeanceand I after rating Alnlgnnn sounmr for admitting him returned to m work supposing thatbefore night 1 should hear of M clcsutttns pairt Hut tint matter took ntiotherturn for whileIjwns nl dinner thin Captain of limo natch cametospenk to mo bt cbcslliimtSCSI had leen I founilIn a b > strict near the niter In n lilacs whirethere nero marks of u struggle and his friendswere furIous High words had ulreudy passedlietti em t lie two factions M tie ntiucitit openlyHctiMlng Hilntnngcinr I thin murder plnlnl I > miliMMimcthltignrru done at once u bloody fraywas ImminentWhat do jou think yourself 31 le Marchandir I mid when I hail heard him outHo bhrugged his shoulders Slmt can Ithink yuiur Kxcelliiicyt hue saul WhatcUenas to in expected 2You take it for granted that SI do Salntongela guilt > tIhei oung man Is gone ho ansnondplthll IIn I slut Is of thl t 1 1 t thought tho conclusionbiiHtnnd contitiled ltmyscIf wIth hlddlng linnfrn > t iirmnlli nnd charge him to be quietiiiomlnlni h that If neceMinr thus matter shouldbt > ImistiMited nnd JtiMlto ilone I still lindgoinl limns Unit I M 1 Mcsmlnh letiirn m nnuldi liar up m III iitfiiir nnd the nliolo turn out to to IH frenk on his part but sshthmhii a tutu houri lidItiLn thut nlntoiiku hied taken itCh p tohtri ntithei his hoiiM > nnd was lying ut home refusing to him himself placed H dllfervnt stub1 iiiorunrlotiH n peit on tho luuystlr HeforeI i ivin next day M i IlL i Inn who Interferencefurprlid mi not a little uia nltli me to Sillport Ills rons petition alit nt the Kings leeenext day ii t deriniiiii nceucd his ercmj to theKing fine and cniind an angry arid Indecviiltceiie In thecli imhi I rI Whon it mini Is In trouble for spring up as theI molsturo rltic tliroiigh hit Blunts before a thnw1 doubt If I Mdo l ii tutt rigs niu > tot inoro completel > hunirliil thnn mi > by the mlr nhlcli enPIICH nnd which nn tint i out finuui to thn t Mtiermalns frlendu thouih they hpadidthoncdud 5 Allnholoht hnd uver olUndcd and nilnho hnd ccr oireniul him i lurnnrcd for jitsthee tvhu tic > t MiMulii I fnnlts hitug l forgottennnd only his muci Its rumemhrrid them WITHfevi silo did n t I K > 5 ti Ihu I general Indlgnntloii Inhlch theoung unit gui nut I who huw thnt utan moment his fain mlihl bo theirs did nil ntheir poner to foment Flnully theiarrhnlofM MiMiiln the father nlo clinic lip nlnn tbrokenhenrtrd um nit nould Into flu rig hi hut 1 Cat tint i Klu l I V foet on I t his first opisirtunll I I 4rollieltho 1 torm to thonlldest t i plti lit i Hut Iin the h tar lest M l di Illrotis frie I nils should uttimpt Mimell ing under cover of It I suit thisKli I t g rind ITIIVU him my ndIre > Thin uiib toMimmoli Tintnngf the M Iteriralnn tOil old141 Mosinln to lim pnenei and eifeit n nooni lIeu Icunt or fniling thnt I to i refer the mutter tothr Iarliament IHnngned I witli I montid chorct toroiclxo themnext dn > nl the iironnl I enmmunlintod hiscotniinnds nnd ut the hour nninod wo mot theKiiuiite l ndfd b > I lflhadllntliril I inpelf thut thn KHits pn silieonould Mr uru o degrceof modtrnlion aidreion ihh no1 I usut non unddoutd forthough t1 ii M MiMiilnhiul only Ids tremblnglieul nnd hiieir to urgotliti nnd hix Hlft b iiHin > nhion i with fo nun h viiltiuc touhieh In ri MIiiled he l > > u tier e and reM i tfulMillonmssoqi Mil dingirou thit I fenridthatblown noull be nlitlik IM II Ixturetthi I Kingsfun Itt thus tlotid htpinii nnd the worhttrndltlois o the ld ilnx i > diTiler br rem wid I inteipoeil and ma id nl leigtlitdI rocMiroKllomilor > irtntlemen for Mmme theKlrg vn d iziua a lug Ids mi ist utile nftir afa > lnon he hud when In doubt I tnkn heatento is blue Unit I cnnnot m > n ho is l right Huttill biiiull giloe nn HIMI I hi 011 tint nahmo lit tiutt St t MO > IIIII im iionu lYes fir mid tlmt Mili ilnioiiio imilietrdIds dldiKaraini M lioiiiiin i ned milslitIs In I hida ntid u m t t i thn 10111I gat In r V tin niiiliigi Hie Kiiijj 1 sailti nil is to him nnldlt ihitt I > nii illd um nnmePAIr I T a nf I tilt kind Iis i id did iioihlmr iiuin them heIllicit led n tfulh Hut lie In mlltd us lospko ll > nit n older > ti in thnn hi antngomttu l nnd ties but rs Imence > ln nk himHut ilnoi SI dn tllitnngo du u > M henlit II ii bn k out ufrthh leforn thn I Kingtoiid It > piik tint I tic Triciid h IH msde him n proponl fur hula diinghtor and that hi I rejii led it >Ii I Iity ooilrnt > nlntonie i rlisl Herionndtii nib im ii a baltid nnlmiii 1 rl hut tor I nould t > lei sci lie bad hi 1 her t o continued nturlAje MI oii tny now M denimli ret > rtisl when > oii know ihiit to Isileid II do not kn in lim I in ixileid Mlntnnr ansncr d Aid for Unit mttir If bo wireil to mid binnow ho oold 1 jo her 1 c02Ii i Whiit Ilo yttu tell the Kin thejouisiflu w n plied lint If I t Mi l min were hereI i > u would cs t hoi > Hirdniulitir I1 do 11 I o ltd tu oii 1 r iioinnati I Tohe t iii of hccuu nli ou aid ul1 ouriroxTut tut I the u Klitf mid hates er I elide I will answer tin it i mii khan luixt protrcthiiand JiKtne M lit inlongi Andiloniijicing sIr 1st till 11 HI iiliit io ini intrlWoiinx huh alriad >HI I I i pronediil then loatk certain detail is andjarti iilul I iho litin nt win h M Me > mit bnlInn I lal > eiti Nnlxxtll I tMiiilmg C In 1 themfiut xxi in in hit iiiuin in tIters if i omiin itiirioniiiit them wbi I li w inul > nought t lo at t ml al lestin n mmin r kiitli n nil > Martini the Kmxx tl iii iiiial lliUfclitfuliie > hml ldii 1 t sMtHDln In Itct Sun It kud toll the nid Itttiro e 1 in cr till fo iox > ing tb diriitiii of hiii j Ibic4 Ito xnrd I hut di > ir The or fid I h s oiiAt ttli su iiriicc ci luiti lx dcii c ii Scli iSilamillol 11 11 tin sir liil l i I t i er i uuMini wbhbins nit or ihex iriiiti nuuu tlo imtxeein ixiiii tsl bx thl or tlmt itrMn I nskiir riyoor Interim I ei ethic lion inoxid them I ni r u lastmi xxlui Ic 1 1 um no in lineil t to enter llllielttt al Ib or m t nnd tl ouie i In I hue c 5pn loi nf ndtuirutioi nns loun SI litrmsmalit that Ihe I Ivii a af r glumtng from fair lofu u in p uinii ici ti > Lit Uiin to make ashies I CUCMI I tin I rd tlI juti ii t nxery ti u y return M dest Memin Vis aim ihe 10 ILL lmi rtluipnt answeredhut i xx li bb li it lV r > ttoo > Indrwl Ic Ye klr Ai iuii l the inni nt St liermnntill mi toil M dcjiii ill hilemii ylu rei itiorcil u in eu in aid hi un rIi I IintvtIat t Iniluen e with miulrmoUtlw o huHut on Hut word i cli ilrlinti loniprbeniliui tle fuice I nil b I lud Uen i ixrrIYIIIP iiit llm khort irxngiMit In a rcu thAthis txoill 1 krhim in bert lion Hit I love everxtrull i unuturd Let sh > look uul mal It our lrfitme in r n i o him to thIiotlu tie Kiligtxeii hut c is t i appealtu I m uud iriiuUibg llni M I i bouhjI S rr W4M hica ticesi Ml I i i jestur and nfr > ilnl l > > hia 4 i i I rckicicu 4 41 sad 501 ii tI uii iAt tic ixlbkil uliilci r he I f r I ui k ile TutI i l 1 I > 4 Ullleil xthilll Ctftilusl 4lirr4M M leUclns fnrttiue amid SM as mu I ah4etcytlug tttt oeug fviluw cueilil usnably eiI4 I IM bit tuditl lly tebd ttuUtr t ricseded Ikecommon cccase4t it uesiier

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